
We've squeezed every feature our PTs and their clients have requested from us to provide the most effective and comprehensive fitness platform.

Training Plans

Train was designed from the ground up to provide the best client training experience.

Performance Tracking
Clients can record their load/reps for every set and compare them through their transformation journey.
Exercise Library
We provide a standard exercise library that you can add to or change in way you like. Our favourite feature is that you can add your own videos each one to provide that next-level of customisation.
Plan Preview
Preview plans before you start them including body analysis showing which muscle groups will be worked the most.
Time Calculation
The app can automatically calculate how long each exercise plan will take so that clients can fit them in around their schedules.
Cardio / Conditioning
Personal trainers can add cardio and conditioning to clients plans, clients can then record their performance against each one.
Stretches, including explanatory video demonstrations, can be added to plans to activate targeted muscles, help clients increase mobility and decrease injury risk.
The desired tempo for each exercise set can be recorded to allow clients to perform them in a way which will most benefit their goals.
A rest period can be added to all exercise sets to provide clients the most appropriate balance between muscle rest and muscle fatigue.
Specific notes can be added to exercises within plans to provide that extra bit of advice.
Multiple Sets
The app allows you with the ability to create superset groups containing more than one exercise to build strength faster.

Training Plans

Train was designed from the ground up to provide the best client training experience.

Food Plans

Create in-depth food plans to compliment your client's training programmes.

Food Plans

Create in-depth food plans to compliment your client's training programmes.

Food Library
You can start with our standard food library to get you going straight away. You can also build it up and customise it with anything you like.
Macro-nutrient Breakdown
Our food library records calories, carbohydrates, fat, protein and fibre.
Add Preparation Instructions/Notes
PTs can add specific preparation instructions or notes along with the meal plans if required to provide that extra bit of versatility.
Shopping List
Your clients can generate a shopping list for their food plans with a single tap.

Admin Panel

Manage your clients 24/7 using our advanced admin panel.

Manage PT Sessions
If you offer 1-to-1 PT sessions, either face-to-face or online, you can create a selection of packages and then record each session the client has used. The client can also see how many remaining PT sessions they have left in their app.
Reports Dashboard
Easily see at a glance, what has happened on your app over the past few days.

Admin Panel

Manage your clients 24/7 using our advanced admin panel.

Workout Generator

Allow clients to generate automatic workout plans if they would like to concentrate on one or more specific muscle groups or would just like to learn new exercises.

Workout Generator

Allow clients to generate automatic workout plans if they would like to concentrate on one or more specific muscle groups or would just like to learn new exercises.

Muscle Group Specific
Clients can specify which muscle groups they would like to work for that session. Train will then add exercises from it's library that works those groups.
Time Aware
Clients can specify how much time they have available to complete the workout, the workout generator will then adjust the number of exercises/sets in the plan.

Client Progress & Check-ins

Keeping track of your clients and the progress they achieve can usually be a time-consuming and stressful task. Our platform is designed to take out the hard-work collecting information and instead allow you to provide your clients with the support they need to beat their personal-best over and over again.

Clients can record their progress across over 20 different metrics. Common metrics such as weight and body measurements are included along with lots of others such as stress, digestion and weekly steps - you can toggle these on/off in the admin panel to ensure that you are monitoring the ones are the most important to you and your clients.
Clients can upload their progress photos, which can be both viewed by their personal trainer or to see how far they have come on their fitness journey at any time for the extra bit of motivation.
Clients can compare their check-in metrics from any check-in along with their progress photos.
Personal trainers can view the clients check-in information and provide feedback in the form of notes and attachments such as voice clips and videos.
Clients can see their progress in the form of graphs to provide a more visually pleasing way of comparing their check-in metrics.

Client Progress & Check-ins

Keeping track of your clients and the progress they achieve can usually be a time-consuming and stressful task. Our platform is designed to take out the hard-work collecting information and instead allow you to provide your clients with the support they need to beat their personal-best over and over again.

Macro Calculator

After inputting just a few details regarding their weight, age and goals, the Train platform is able to calculate the appropriate amount of nutrition they require in order to reach their goal in the most effective way.

Macro Calculator

After inputting just a few details regarding their weight, age and goals, the Train platform is able to calculate the appropriate amount of nutrition they require in order to reach their goal in the most effective way.

Daily Targets
Daily macro-nutrient targets are calculate which show how many calories, fat, protein and carbs they should consume per day.
Meal Targets
Daily macro-nutrient targets are calculate which show how many calories, fat, protein and carbs they should consume per meal on average.
A graph is shown to visually break down the macro nutrient split between fat, protein and carbs.


Our platform offers unparalleled levels of personalisation to enhance your brand and professionalism.

Custom Exercise Videos
Our platform allows you to upload your own video for each exercise on the platform including instructional commentary. This provides a truly unique digital experience as your client performs their plans, as opposed to using generic videos from a personal trainer they've never seen before. No matter where your client is training in the world, it will be as if you were right by their side providing the expertise they need from someone they trust.
Upload your own logo which will be used throughout the app.
Colour Scheme
Choose your own colour scheme to compliment your logo or what you just think looks great!


Our platform offers unparalleled levels of personalisation to enhance your brand and professionalism.

Workout Analyser

The workout analyser visually shows what parts of the body the client has worked most that week, easily identifying areas that could be improved.

A table showing accumulated reps for each muscle group is also included.

Workout Analyser

The workout analyser visually shows what parts of the body the client has worked most that week, easily identifying areas that could be improved.

A table showing accumulated reps for each muscle group is also included.

Plan Overview

The plan overview feature works differently depending on which Train platform you use:

On Train PT, it allows you to set your clients goals for all aspects of their training.

For Train Enterprise it allows you clients to select their experience level and goal which will then automatically assign them to the most appropriate plans for their ability and end goal requirements.

Plan Overview

The plan overview feature works differently depending on which Train platform you use:

On Train PT, it allows you to set your clients goals for all aspects of their training.

For Train Enterprise it allows you clients to select their experience level and goal which will then automatically assign them to the most appropriate plans for their ability and end goal requirements.